Shrubs Show filters Hide filters Filter products Clear selection (Brand) Bransford Garden Plants Ltd (11) Classiflora Imports Ltd (2) Johnsons of Whixley (3) Morley Nurseries Ltd (9) Wyevale Nurseries (5) Clear selection £ - Clear selection 1 - 30 of 30 productsItems per page1224364860AllSort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity 15L CAMELLIA £ 79.99More infoAdd to cart HYDRANGEA RUNAWAY BRIDE 'SNOW WHITE' £ 34.99More infoAdd to cart 7.5L NEW ZEALAND CABBAGE PALM £ 39.99More infoAdd to cart 10L PHOTINIA 'RED ROBIN' £ 39.99More infoAdd to cart 2L 'HEBE SILVER DOLLAR' £ 12.99More infoAdd to cart 3L PHORMIUM 'APRICOT QUEEN' £ 24.99More infoAdd to cart 2L NANDINA 'GULFSTREAM' £ 15.99More infoAdd to cart 2L HEBE 'PINK PIXIE' £ 12.99More infoAdd to cart 3L PYRACANTHA ORANGE CHARMER £ 16.99More infoAdd to cart 5L CAMELLIA R.L. WHEELER £ 39.99More infoAdd to cart 3L PHOTINIA 'RED ROBIN' £ 16.99More infoAdd to cart 3L SYRINGA MEYERI 'PALIBIN' £ 22.99More infoAdd to cart 3L PYRACANTHA ORANGE GLOW £ 16.99More infoAdd to cart 3L PYRACANTHA SOLIEL D'OR £ 16.99More infoAdd to cart 3L SPIRAEA ARGUTA £ 14.99More infoAdd to cart 3L PHORMIUM 'PINK PANTHER' £ 24.99More infoAdd to cart 1.5L CAMELLIA LADY CAMPBELL £ 14.99More infoAdd to cart 1.5L CAMELLIA SILVER ANNIVERSRY £ 14.99More infoAdd to cart 3L PHORMIUM 'BRONZE BABY' £ 24.99More infoAdd to cart 2L HEBE 'PURPLE PIXIE' £ 12.99More infoAdd to cart 5L CAMELLIA SILVER ANNIVERSRY £ 39.99More infoAdd to cart 5L CAMELLIA LADY CAMPBELL £ 39.99More infoAdd to cart 5L CAMELLIA DR KING £ 39.99More infoAdd to cart 1.5L CAMELLIA R.L. WHEELER £ 14.99More infoAdd to cart 3L PHORMIUM 'CREAM DELIGHT' £ 24.99More infoAdd to cart 3L PHORMIUM 'JESTER' £ 24.99More infoAdd to cart 5L CAMELLIA ROGER HALL £ 39.99More infoAdd to cart 3L PHORMIUM 'FLAMINGO' £ 24.99More infoAdd to cart 3L FORSYTHIA 'GOLD RUSH' £ 14.99More infoAdd to cart 3L PHORMIUM 'JOKER' £ 24.99More infoAdd to cart